ECITE 2006 starts the evening of aug 12 and finishes the evening of aug 22, 2006. It comprises 3 parts:
Some groups will be facilitated. A facilitator to us is a person who prepares content and method of working for a chosen topic as a starting point. Thus s/he will guide the group initially towards a fruitful development. Facilitating is not teaching, and facilitators are not responsible for the outcome. the first part starting in the evening of saturday, august 12 (arrival)
and lasting until tuesday evening, august 15.
This time includes :
We offer 4 intensives. For a detailed description of the intensives topics and facilitators you can have a look here...
Meeting at ECITE 2005 in Estonia brought up the wish to have an organizers
meeting in conjunction with ECITE 2006.
There wil be time and space during ECITE I from Aug 13 (morning) to Aug 15
(lunchtime). These 1 1/2 days are dedicated to a meeting of organizers of contact
improvisation related events. So participants would not miss a jam or another
thing they would love to do.
We may provide fulltime a space for talking and parttime a space for moving.
We think it would be great to have a facilitator for this meeting that anybody
interested to join this group could address to in advance. Thus we as organizers
of ECITE 2006 are out of the task of communication and coordination.
Who would like to support this meeting with facilitating it? Who would be willing
to communicate ahead of the conference with people? Please contact us!
Participatation in this meeting would only cost you accomodation and food.
You may or may not participate, that is your choice. If you participate we would like it only in conjunction with ECITE II. the core part starting tuesday evening, aug 15 (arrival) and lasting
until wednesday morning, aug 23 (departure). That part is the „big
meeting“ and is more or less corresponding to the past ECITEs.
The six workdays will start wednesday, aug 16, and finish tuesday, aug 22, with
our day-out in between.
There will be an opening circle in the beginning and a closing circle in the
end with all participants of ECITE. During ECITE I and II further necessary communication
will be handled through information boards and communicators of the work groups.
A conference day will be devided in:
the teachers exchange in the morning
labs, discussions, and the afternoons
and the evenings are basically reserved for jamming
Special events in the afternoons and evenings will include the election
for ECITE 2008, a moving discussion, short introduction workshops for
local people,and an informal performance showing followed by the final celebration
jam. Please check the schedule.
Teachers exchange
15 to 20 people are forming a group staying together all 6 mornings.
We are preparing a ritual/group improvisation for the opening circle that will
structure the groups according to the actual interests in teaching.
Afternoon times will be dedicated to labs researching on teaching and on exploring
the form of contact improvisation. You may be in a dance studio, go outdoors
or have a room for talking.
We invite you to bring in issues you are passionate about and willing to
facilitate. We offer 6 to 10 open afternoon slots of 3 hours. We expect you
to prepare your work session, you may choose a 1 or 2 days lab. Please send
a short text with headline and 3 to 5 sentences to us by June 30, 2006.
The more crystallized your idea is, the more inviting it will be to others
to join your research!
People will decide on the spot which labs to join. There is some time reserved for spontaneous labs. If we receive more than 10 proposals we most probably will have to select.
Moving discussion
We would love to give space to one moving discussion – a format of combining
moving and talking facilitated by a small group who finds itself and the topic
Informal performance showing
One afternoon there will be the invitation to present to all ECITE participants
what you are interested to share in a performance mode. This showing will
be followed by jamming.
Short introduction workshops for interested local people
We would like to open the conference to the people around us by Contact Improvisation
workshops led by groups of ECITE participants, eg teachers exchange groups,
who are interested in teaching people who have most probably never met Contact
Improvisation before. This should be a session of 2 to 3 hours.
You may choose to participate only in ECITE II.
There is a own subpage with all the information about ECITE moment.
ECITE 2006 Contact :
Sylvia Scheidl, tel +43 1 914 58 45 ort el +43 699 110 41 587,
Ingrid Hörlezeder, tel +43 1 406 92 12,
Webmaster (for technical questions) : Tinu Hettich,