If you plan to come with your child/ your children please tell us as soon
as possible. We are in touch with people who can take care of your child/
your children, while you are dancing, but we will have to know:
How old is your child/your children?
What language is s/he/ are they speaking?
For how many hours a day you would like to have a baby-minder?
Also, if you plan to come with guests, please let us know. We will have
to make individual arrangements.
ECITE 2006 Contact :
Sylvia Scheidl, tel +43 1 914 58 45 ort el +43 699 110 41 587, tanz.sylvia@aon.at
Ingrid Hörlezeder, tel +43 1 406 92 12, ingrid.hoerlezeder@web.de
Webmaster (for technical questions) : Tinu Hettich, webmaster@ecite.org